Dutch Circular Textile Valley is the collaboration of eco systems of front runners in circular textiles

We curate, stimulate, guide, and steer the most promising circular textile developments. We support knowledge sharing, new connections and impact. Our motivation: a 100% circular textile industry.

How can DCTV help you?

Contact us and we will help you to reach your impact goals

DCTV works towards a 100% circular textile industry

Our goals include

Life span extension of textile products by timeless design, repair, reuse, and remanufacturing. We slow the loop

Reduction of the use of virgin fibers by the promotion of advanced textile recycling processes and the use of recycled fibers. We close the loop

Reduction of the negative environmental and social impact of textiles. We reduce the negative impacts

Regional Hubs

The team of DCTV consists of a close network of regional eco systems. We now cover Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam, Region Twente, Region Gelderland, Midpoint Brabant and the Metropolitan region of Rotterdam, covering a wide spectrum of specialties and expertises. We are currently in conversation with other regions to extend the ecosystem.

Core team

The core team of textile transition directors  (in Dutch ‘ketenregisseurs’) is formed by

Claire Teurlings
Anton Luiken
Bart Kruijssen
Nout Knabben

DCTV Board

The core team of textile editors  (in Dutch ‘ketenregisseurs’) is formed by

Jacqueline Cramer
Chair of the Board
Jose Teunissen
Henk Hofstede
ABN Amro
Joost Ploos van Amstel
Midpoint Brabant
Franske van Duuren
Kiemt (regional organization supporting energy and circular transition)
Roos Smulders

We work in close cooperation with a wide variety of stakeholders e.g.

Be invited to join coalitions on a wide variety of topics that further the transition

Be part of our network, join community meet ups to stay informed of the most current knowledge: learn, share and connect on topics like fabrics, materials and production innovation technologies, updates on legislation, digitalization and product passporting, market information and interesting coalition formation.

Contribute to create market size. The transition needs frontrunners to make a point with a shared voice, to stimulate demand, to break through technical hurdles and to support other innovators

Access to funding. We work hard to strengthen the finance ecosystem and secure funds for both individual companies as well as consortia.

Get in touch

Left any questions or you want to write a message to us?